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Async await in AngularJS

ES7 introduces async functions, which allow you to write asynchronous code with a synchronous syntax. Unfortunately this doesn't work well with AngularJS: awaited code will run outside of Angular's digest loop, and therefore it won't trigger watchers or view updates.

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Configuration management with Consul

Microservices are a hot topic, and there are many challenges you'll face when adopting this way of building software. In this blogpost we'll tackle the challenge of configuration. In particular how to manage the configuration of many different services located in a cluster where services are running in different datacenters, on a multitude of host machines or containers, and even potentially with different roles. Using Consultant - a newly open-sourced Magnet.me project - we'll show you how to load your service's configuration with zero effort and subscribe to updates.

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Trying out InfluxDB and Grafana

At Magnet.me we try to measure and log everything. We use it to get a better understanding of our customers and our software. We already had Kibana and Logstash in place, but we were still missing some functionality to cover all our metric needs. We ended up trying InfluxDB and Grafana as our main tooling. In this blog post, we'll tell you how to try it out yourself, and why you should give it a shot.

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Importing Google contacts with javascript

To enhance the user experience for inviting your friends to take a look Magnet.me, we decided to include a feature to import contacts from your Google account. There are multiple ways to approach this, including a client-side only approach with the use of just javascript. This should be an easy process to set up, however in practice this was not the case as we ran into some problems. This blogpost will describe the problems we experienced and provide solutions to these problems.

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